Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Man Mom Friends, You are on Blast!

Hey all of you moms of grown men, yep, I am talking to you! Why didn't you tell me? Why doesn't everybody talk about this? Or were you all talking and I was so focused on my tiny, cute little munchkin that I did not hear you?

I mean, I knew and I know that little boys grow to be men. I know this. I have seen this happen to my nephews and to friends' little boys.

I also know that young men enter puberty and their hormones surge and they grow taller and all the other physical things.

What I didn't know.....Boys get moody just like girls. I thought that I had escaped this moodiness for no reason by having a boy instead of a girl. I thought that Y chromosome meant that my sweet natured boy would just be sweet natured unless there was actually something wrong. 

Jack is 13 years old. His physical body is rapidly developing and he is obviously experiencing the hormonal changes that go along with it. His socio-emotional development has not caught up with his 13 year body. Imagine the frustration of not really knowing what's going on and not even being able to express, "I am out of sorts and I don't know why. I just am." Add on top of that, he has *me* as his Mama. This weekend, I did a head to toe physical assessment to rule out any medical issues and seriously considered whether I should take him to the doctor to rule out increased pressure in his head.

Only after quizzing Dave did I realize that our boy is just moody/angry for no reason whatsoever and there is not a thing in the world I can do to make it right. I just have to be here supporting, guiding, and nurturing and helping him express himself the best he can. Can I just say it? UGH....

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I stand corrected x 3

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